Sunday, 19 July 2015


Here's my weekly visit to my blog.  Yes that's my limit now, been spending far too much time on tinternet.  Consequently I apologise if I miss some of your lovely posts and spend less time visiting your blogs.

Now then, most of you know I don't like painting flowers, cos I battle like mad with them.  But just lately I have had a Eureka moment!!!  Yep, been pleased with my blooming battles, get it blooms.
Ha ha.

Well this was going awful, painting away at Churchtown Art Club, that I go to (check out their site on facebook) so took it home and ran it under the tap,  Then put in a wet in wet background and scrunched on some cling film.  Added a few darks and hey presto, a miracle, a decent painting.  So never give up (which is what I would normally have done)  I have called it Dancing Fuschias.

No idea what this flower is, it's like a Rudebekia. Can't spell it.  Saw someone had painted yellow flowers on facebook, and I thought what a cheerful colour, saw masses of these in a magazine so had a bash.  They cheered me up just painting them.

A battle and a half!!!! Brusho Thistle.  I threw everything at this and I considered it a failure, until I posted it on facebook.  Well what was going on?  Either they were all being kind or it actually isn't as bad as I thought.

Now all I ask is you look around at the beautiful flowers around you and think how wonderful nature is.  A miracle around every corner.


  1. Oh Polly your flowers are stunning… no one would ever know you struggled with them. The thistle is amazing… and I LOVE the daisies… good for you spending more time painting, less time on the internet… good advise…

    1. Thanks for taking the time to visit and for your comments. There is a life outside the internet!

  2. They are exquisite and yes, a reminder to appreciate flowers! I also appreciate the struggle you describe, a reminder that patience & persistence are a part of any work...

    1. Thanks. I usually just paint on the back, seems I did the right thing.

  3. Each floral work is a winner Polly, sometimes we are harsh critiques of our own work but I think this is a good thing

  4. I saw your flowers earlier on fb, and they are fabulous, Polly! Esp. love the thistles!

  5. Dear Polly-wow all three of these paintings are beautiful. The last one is simply gorgeous. So glad you didn't toss this one. Definitely not a failure. Thank you for sharing. Now go have some fun. Hugs

    1. Thanks for your lovely comments. Had fun this week, less tinternet and more going out, even in the rain. xx

  6. Your paintings are lovely. I especially like the fuchsias. I have a beautiful one out in flower in my garden along with the thistle and some teasels that have taken seed this year and are just in the process of flowering. Nature is indeed a wonderful thing. Hugs Mrs A.

    1. I agree, there is nothing to beat nature, we can never improve on it.

  7. Each of these is lovely, but I love the fuchsia. It is such a pretty flower. I like the thistles too and that interesting background. Nice!!

  8. all lovely but love the thistle. the colours are beautiful. x

  9. Your flowers are fantastical as usually! You did a great job!
