Friday, 29 May 2015


Oh dear another blip in the health of yours truly.  But all is well.  Now to get back to some normality. Sorry if I have ignored my blogging mates, I haven't even been on facebook either!!

Now then, here is what I have been faced with at my U3A group (University of the Third Age), Drawing and Painting group.  Really they draw, and they are really good,  but me, can't not splosh on the colour!  The organiser sets up these utterly boring still lifes of anything he can find in the building.  I don't have to paint them, but you know me, I like a challenge. They are on quarter imperial.

Not your usual subjects!  Anyone else faced with these kind of ideas?

Have a lovely week wherever you may be.


  1. Glad you are back and on the mend Polly. Challenging yourself to do tricky or uninspiring still lifes certainly works for you as you always produce something with interest and nice washes for us to view so clearly you are up to the challenge

    1. It's the washes I look forward to, the quick sketch first is something that just has to be done. Nice to see you back and hope you enjoyed your time over here.

  2. I LOVE that stack of chairs, brilliantly done, it glows and must have been fun watching the stack being created.

  3. Hi, Polly, the composition of chairs amuzes me! Colours are lovely. Of course, you should ENJOY drawing!! Go, Polly, go, go! Best wishes, Sadami

    1. I love your words of encouragement. Thanks Sadami. I will go, go go.

  4. I am glad you are fine now, Polly. I love the stack of furniture, you used wonderful colours!

  5. Glad you are better, you make the boring set ups look fun!

    1. Thank you Cathy. I wonder what will be next?

  6. Nice to see you back Polly.
    I know we should all get out of our comfort zones now and then, but still life arrangements like these don't inspire me at all and I'm afraid I'd be out the door like a shot (don't have your sense of adventure obviously). But as Cathy said you make the boring set ups look fun ... so carry on meeting those challenges. Suex

  7. At this time, painting for me is freedom.
    Life offers me problems, so I exaggerate when I paint in the choices of freedom from all the schemes.
    Your work always to be admired for brightness and beautiful performance.
    I wish you many calm & sunny days!
    Warm hugs,Rita

    1. Thank you Rita. Your painting through your life experiences shows the freedom you speak about.

  8. Still life scares the hell out of me. Just can't get the perspective. Fraid my pile of chairs would have ended up looking like a bonfire. I somehow managed to talk myself into showing my U3A group I go to how to make faux leather note books.! Hugs mrs A.

    1. Bet they enjoyed the faux leather note books. Sounds good to me

  9. Dear Polly - sorry to hear about your not being well - glad you are better. I think these two sketches are wonderful. Glad you did your own thing my friend.

  10. Glad to see you are back again...hope you are feeling good! I missed seeing your posts. Good job on the uninspired subject matter!

    1. Thanks Joan. You do great work on hard subjects yourself!!
