Have been cruising in the South of France. Zis was a wonderful 'oliday. Beaucoup de sunshine and beaucoup de wonderful places to visite! My objective was to do one sketch each day, even if only 5 mins. Here are a few sketches followed by an Easter Challenge. More of that later .....
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Tourancon - A Medieval Castle and sketched whilst the boat was moored. |
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Avignon - I was singing "Sur le pont D'Avignon..." as I was sketching this bridge that is not complete |
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Within the walls of this hospital in Arles, Van Gogh stayed and painted. It is called Espace Van Gogh now! |
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Avignon from outside the city walls. You can see the Palace where Popes used to live at one time, based in France. |
Now then time for a Challenge. Last year I asked you for subjects to paint over Easter, as I have, hopefully, four days to myself to paint (hubby is off playing or watching Golf). So bombard me with ideas and take me out of my comfort zone yet again. I so enjoyed it last year, I couldn't wait to get up in the morning and get on with my paintings. Any subject at at all.
Sorry I haven't been looking at your blogs, but will be back up to date soon.