Sunday, 12 October 2014


What a variety this week, both painting and in 'real life'.  Ending with a few days reading a scary Thriller!!  Well they say variety is the spice of life, and that is me all over.  Jumping from one subject or action to another.  Strange in our household as hubby likes routine. He could live to a timetable. Not me, when I finished work I never wanted to live to the clock again. Opposites attract (well most of the time) ha ha.

Polly Parrot & Friends

Did this at the art club I belong to.  Many distractions and chats.  So, obviously, if you want to paint loose, talk away and you may have a happy unexpected fun painting.

Yes, this Lemur's tail did wrap around like I have painted.  I did an under painting of ultra first to establish the shadows then used a restricted palette to paint this lovely chap.

Blinking blogger - got another pic but can't download it where I want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will have to leave it for another day.
Most of my pics from Blackpool Zoo are now done, but not quite.  Really been fun painting animals for a change. Got to think what to do when I have finished.  What a wonderful hobby, so much variety to feed my eager arty brain.

Have a great week and take care..

Luv' from Polly xx


  1. The parrots are really great and loose, Polly! And I saw your Zoo paintings on FB already, I love them!

  2. Yes variety is definitely something we can easily have and you always manage such with good results no matter what subject Polly. having the freedom to do what and when is great when you have a nice hubby keeping routine going around you.

    1. Thanks Lorraine. Er hubby is lazier than me! So no problem with being rebuked :)

  3. The parrots of magnificent… I have a Scarlet Macaw, and this reminds me of him… I LOVE it… Cool painting of the Lemur too, funny how he was hanging his tail over his back.

    1. Oh how lovely to see a colourful Macaw each day. Actually there was a line of Lemurs doing this but I was too lazy to paint them all

  4. You sound exactly like me. My hubby has extreme OCD so everything has to de done to a timetable. Drives me nuts. Hugs Mrs A.

    1. While he isn't cleaning up after me. It's dinner at such and such a time etc. Sooooo frustrating. Glad I am not the only one xx

  5. Variety...I'm definitely with you ! Really love that Lemur and beautiful dreamy parrots .

  6. Polly - what charming animals you have captured here. Love the fun feel of Polly and your Lemur is superb. Your art always makes me smile. So lighthearted and joyful! Thank you for sharing. Hope you are having a fun filled (not sticking to a timetable or routine - lol) week! Hugs

    1. I have had such fun painting these animals, it has been a change and challenging, but I couldn't resist them. Lovely to hear my art makes you smile, and that makes me feel really warm inside. Certainly not sticking to a timetable, never know what I will be doing each day. Thanks for commenting Debbie xxx

  7. Beautiful Polly! I love the freedom of the birds, gorgeous colors in both paintings!

  8. You do such a wonderful job on your animals! The lemur is great!!

    1. I love lemurs, had to paint him in this cute position. Thanks for commenting

  9. Stunning parrots, Polly
