Sunday, 31 August 2014


Sorry I've not been commenting on your posts or posting myself.  I really did have to do some serious housework.  Would much rather paint!  Wonder if most artists homes are always in a state of disarray?

Today, the art club I belong to (Churchtown Art Club who are on facebook). Were painting in Botanic Gardens, where they were holding a Victorian Day to help raise funds for the upkeep of the park.  Sad, as if they didn't work so hard behind the scenes, the park would probably go to the dogs!!

Here's a mix of photos of the event and the paintings I did (managed 5, kept my head down, though was known to jig away at the same time to the music - just multi tasking). One is wip (work in progress) not taken a pic of this one yet.

A rainbow poppy

Made up Victorian view across the Lake - very unhappy with this one

A pair of Victorian shoes

Queen Victoria.  This is how I start a marathon painting day, just mixing colours on the paper.

A real vintage push chair.  If you are interesting look at the picture larger, the work is intricate and amazing and her costume is hand made

Stephanie Guy came from her home a few miles away, just to see me!

And Stephanie painted one of her lovely miniatures, specially for me!

Me thoroughly engrossed.

Me not thoroughly engrossed.

Thanks Lesley and Betty for taking these pics of me.

Now hope to get back to normal, so be popping to see your blogs again, rest of housework taking a back seat til it gets too bad again.

Have a lovely week everyone.

Luv' Polly xx


  1. I'll be raising my hand and admitting to disarray, did a bit of cleaning today myself… not too much though. My husband and I are both pack rats and from time to time purge our 'stuff'… he usually says, we didn't get this way in a day, it isn't going to get fixed in a day either… we chip away when we can. Love your flower painting, and the queen too.

    1. Don't feel too bad now! Good job you both think the same way. Far too busy to clean every day though. I'll carry on 'chipping away'.

  2. We blitz when we have visitors coming!! Or we get the decorators in lol!! I have a housekeeper (hubby) who generally takes care of such mundane things, me being the busy artist like what I am, but I have just had to sort my art room out as we had visitors for the bank holiday weekend... I couldn't get in it... took me days to do, and he draws the line at stepping foot inside there!!

    Love the shoes btw, and you met Stephie!!! Stephie came to my first block of lessons at Sunshine House, she is a super artist and did some gorgeous work (lovely lady too!!), and lucky you getting the painting, so thoughtful of her!!

    1. Bet it doesn't take long to get your art room back to 'normal' :)

  3. Hello, cute and pretty Polly!!! All your watercolour paintings and photos are so charming. Your club sketched in day light. Nice! Have a wonderful and productive week. Cheers, Sadami

  4. You have also been out and about a lot Polly, I notice blogging is quieter during the Summer months your way as everyone gets out. I hate it when I MUST fit in some housework and I do it as fast as I can

    1. Yes we are out doing something every day, far more active in the summer. Unfortunately, autumn is here, which I love, but it means darker cooler days are around the corner.

  5. Dear Polly, thank you for this great post that tells your day Victorian !!! I see the various parts appear on facebook, but reading and admire all together on blogger, it makes me feel close to you. I understand that someone has come a long way to come and visit you and be able to laugh with you from the true !!! Your watercolors are lovely but in this series the Victorian monument to Queen deserves my Oscar !!! So brilliant and so Polly Masterpiece !!! Have nice week and beautiful start of september!!!

    1. I am glad that you felt you were with me while I was painting in the park (would have been nice if you were). I thought it was very touching that Stephanie came especially to see me. It seems that the simplest one I did is people's favourite. Queen Victoria is how I warm up and is generally just for fun and just for me. Have a lovely autumn where you are, and may it be colourful and warm. xx

  6. Artistic disarray is the norm... and sometimes not just in my work area. Oh, well, there are more important things to do... I admire your productivity, Polly, so many works in just a few hours in the park with all the distractions there. It's a lovely illustration of your day. I'm most intrigues by the way you painted Queen Victoria

    1. Seems I am not the only untidy artist. Spreading through the house like a virus! I tried not to be distracted and that is how I managed to paint 5 painting. The Queen Victoria painting I had to trace, couldn't get her head right at all. Then all I did was mixed very wet w/c on the paper (Indigo and Alizarin) then when starting to dry went in with thick indigo and a smaller brush, for more control. Funny trying to describe what I did. Not that you wanted to know, but interesting to describe. I do skylines like this too eg Instanbul. Don't have to worry about drawing either, often do them freehand. Sorry to go on. xx

  7. Dear Polly - what a great post and pics and paintings. Tell me friend why will houses not stay clean? I have the same problem and it does interfere with my more creative side. Loved seeing your lovely work. Looks like you had such fun. Take care and have a great week painting. Hugs

    1. Hearing other people have this problem makes me feel better! Perhaps it is an artists disease called Artistitis. Thanks for commenting and have a lovely week in your little corner of the world. xx

  8. Hello Polly, really love your subjects and your bright joyful colors ! Artistitis is a word I am going to use as a good excuse from now on :-))

    1. Thank you Jane and thank you for visiting. I wonder if Artistitis is in the dictionary?

  9. I'm glad I'm not the only one who lets the housework go and creates instead. I did stay home for a while today and washed floors and both bathrooms. I'd rather be sketching...which I will be doing tonight before dinner. Enjoyed seeing these. It would be fun to see people in costume like that, but I doubt if they would stay put long enough to do a complete sketch. Nice work!

    1. I'm really feeling that our home is a normal arty household. There are times when I have to knuckle down (especially if someone is visiting!). Until then a bit of housework, a bit of painting and a bit of normal life.

  10. You look as if you had a fab day Polly and loving the results.........aaaah yes the dreaded housework, but its part of our lives......all we need is someone to come in a couple of days a week and do it for us........heavenly. Annette x
