Tuesday, 4 February 2014


For those of you who don't know. I challenged myself to pick words that cropped up in alphabetical order while watching tv, didn't know what on earth I would be painting next. Here is the next batch. Nothing to Declare & Country File.

Well thought I would be ages waiting for a Q, but spotted this sign on the wall at Sidney Airport, on a Customs programme. Yippee!

There was this guy trying to get into the country, they were questioning him and he said he was meeting his girlfriend. So they said they would give her a ring (yep telephone ring though well you can't paint a sound) anyway, they did ring her and it was a him. But I got my 'R' in.

Right we are now watching Country File, and these are looking back at other programmes.  I saw an 'S' for sledge. Thought why not go the whole hog (get it farm animal) and do a big sledge i.e. a sleigh, using my beautiful Daniel Smith Pyrrol Scarlet!

Looking for a 'T' and in an empty field there was a trough.  Well that would be boring wouldn't it so |I added these two friends.  Polly and Penny (yes I do eat like a pig before you comment).

Have a great week everyone and thanks for calling by, it's so lovely to share what I do :)


  1. Another terrific group of paintings and 10 out of 10 for thinking outside the box with your subject choices!! I read in an earlier post about you being so intent on looking for your letters you weren't following the programmes but it must surely add interest to some of them... I mean anything must be better than match of the day!!

    1. Thanks Judith. Don't mind footie but would restrict choices I think! Glad you like the thinking behind what I paint.

  2. Oh I love the piggies at the trough… and such creative subject choices here… you're almost done.

    1. Yep, nearly finished now. Glad you like the porkies.

  3. I love your paintings and the idea of picking words alphabetically for your subjects.

    1. Hi. Thanks for visiting and glad you like the paintings

  4. I am sure some letters would have been a challenge but as you were on the quest the subjects appeared. I hope you post a collage at the end so we can see the collection from start to finish

    1. That's a great idea Lorraine. Must find out how to do it first :)

  5. Television really gets you inspired,all these works are beautiful !

  6. These are so fun!!! You are really keeping up with your challenge.

  7. What an idea to pick up subjects and the paintings are so colourful too.
