Saturday, 4 January 2014


Here I am back on terra firma.  Two weeks on the high seas for Christmas and New Year.  I am not a good sailor so it was a big risk at this time of year.  The Bay of Biscay was NOT kind to us.  Average of Gale Force 9!  Spectacular to watch the waves though.  For once I wasn't seasick.  Had some new pills recommended, but took further precautions and wore wrist bands and ate crystalised ginger too.

Great fun really seeing people upright and the ships floor at an angle, everybody left and then everybody right.  Like doing a drunken sailor dance.  Tottering on heels when 'poshed up', when I don't usually wear heels.  Hanging on to the shower room door handle while sat on the loo.  Bracing yourself in bed by firmly planting your feet apart, so that you don't fall out of bed! A drawer opening and shutting with the motion of the ship. So nice to sleep back in my own still, calm, unmoving bed.  Yahey.

We had a wonderful time though.  So many little children on board, and the excitement when Santa appeared down the funnel!  Christmas at sea and he even came to me, he kindly brought me the gift of a cold!

Highlight of the Ports of Call was Amsterdam and a visit to the Van Gogh Museum, and I want to share some of the paintings we saw when I down load them.  One's that you don't normally see in the main books.

In the meantime I wish you a Wonderful Healthy and Happy New Year full of special things.  Everything you wish for yourself and loved ones.  If you paint I hope you find lots of inspiration and not a lot of frustration.  And I thank you for your visits to my blog. 

I send you a card (last year's I admit, not time this year to paint one).

And here is me having a great time on New Year's Eve.

Luv' from Polly xx 


  1. I would be exactly the same as you with the seasickness!! I swear by travek bands but thin I would have needed tablets too on your journey!! We've been on one cruise, but in good weather, and have to admit travel sickness does put me off doing other journeys when it might be rough!! Love the monkey btw!!

    1. Happy New Year Judith, to my first visiter of 2014. May you paint many a masterpiece. Oh and btw These tablets were so good I would buy some more called Bonine from Amazon if you every go sailing again.

  2. Je te souhaite une très belle année .qu elle t emmène vers tes reves

  3. Dear Polly, I wish you good health and much joy in facing life and art,in 2014.
    Your art is always cheerful and full of irony as evidenced by the monkey that I see on the header of the blog. Are you an exceptional watercolourist for this beautiful irony that runs through many of your works until they become recognizable anywhere in the web...when they come out out, even before I read who the author is ,I recognize your sign..
    I wish you great successes in 2014 and great bonheur de vie!
    (I dare not think of me on a ship ..
    . better the mainland and that the earth is motionless really, after trying some earthquake recently)

    1. Thank you for your lovely thoughts Rita, I am very humbled by them. Thank you for your wishes for 2014. Oh and may you have no more earthquakes! With Luv, Polly xx

  4. Sounds as though you had an exciting Christmas/New Year Polly! Glad you didn't succumb to seasickness - the weather has been pretty appalling everywhere.

    I've only cruised once (in calm weather) but couldn't cope with so many people everywhere ... and so much lovely lovely food. Had to diet for a couple of months afterwards LOL

    Glad you're back safely and look forward to seeing more work soon

    1. Diet starts tomorrow, honest! Didn't eat everything in sight yet piled the pounds on. Sounds awful so many people but it can be as quiet or as busy as you choose. Nice to be back to normal

  5. Oh my, that was some kind of rough sea , I think you are very brave :-) Your post card is so pretty and joyful and I wish you a wonderful and happy New Year.

  6. I'm glad you survived the rough sea, Polly, happy New Year to you!

  7. gale force 9 ! ... glad you had a great time .... happy new year to you polly !

  8. Glad you had a wonderful holiday. Can you channel Van Gogh to make some comments on Monet?

  9. So glad you had a great time, even if the seas were rough. Happy New Year! How great that you got to the Van Gogh Musuem. I was there eons ago and just loved it.

    1. Brilliant Museum, so many paintings aren't there. I loved it too.

  10. Dear Polly -I just got seasick reading your post about being on the seas (I am definitely not a sailor). Actually your words made me smile. Love your New Year's card and also seeing you enjoying New Year's eve. Have a great start - will be back to see those pics of the Van Gogh Museum.

    1. Thanks for your visits over the last year. Hope you have a wonderful 2014 and look forward to seeing what you get up to. Pics of holiday downloaded so post on Van Gosh coming up soon.
