Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Am I lucky, or am I extremely lucky, to be able to join Hazel Soan in her studio in London,  this weekend, along with other like minded people,  to learn from her and be inspired by her.  She is so generous in passing on her knowledge to mere mortals like myself, and so good at demonstrating her magical skills.  We watched her first and then attempted to do something similar!

In at the deep end to start with,  we painted lines of ostriches and a giraffe without drawing.  Yes, I said without drawing!
No drawing remember. Colours used were Prussian Blue, Indigo and a little Alizarin, trying to use the least number of strokes
Best lion I ever painted in my life.  The last one looked like the advert for The Lion King!
  I still can't believe I did this without drawing. I thought I would paint him again without drawing just the outline to see if I could do it a second time and a third!  I don't know why, but if I am on one of Hazel's courses my brush seems to behave itself!
This poor Masai chap has a tiny head, but I enjoyed painting him and it was done in a very short time.  Last  painting  of the workshop

This is an excellent exercise for getting to know your brush.  We drew roughly the outline of the Zebra and don't they have a big head, and then twisting and turning the brush we painted the lines in Inidigo. I thoroughly recommend this 

This is a lovely picture of an elephant with highlights.  This was painted with love and care as ephalumps are my very favourite animal.

Thanks to Hazel I now have some wonderful reference material and memories too.  I surprised myself with what I managed to paint.  It is amazing what we managed to do in a weekend workshop with the lovely Hazel.

I have put a link to her website at the top this post and also recommend her wonderful African Watercolours Book. Do have a look at her work if you haven't already come across it.

Do you think I am a fan of hers. Yes, absolutely.


  1. Polly - these paintings are amazing - to think you didn't draw them before painting...wow - I can see why you are a fan of Hazel's. I have studied several of her books - what a privilege to take a workshop from her. Have a great day.

  2. Thank you Debbie. It was just the ostriches and giraffe without drawing. I surprised myself on this workshop! But then again she is a great tutor. Enjoy the rest of this week xx

  3. I am so envious Polly, Hazel is a lovely artist,I do have one of her DVDs, I will look out for the book you recommend. Your time spent with her will be invaluable as is evident already in your work here. Wonderful

    1. Don't be envious. You don't need tuition! Your animals are wonderful. I need a lot of help with them

  4. These are just fab Polly... no wonder you were pleased!! I have one of her books and a couple of Dvd's... she does make everything seem so easy with a lovely relaxed teaching style too... one day maybe!!

    1. There is more to the way she paints than appears. I could watch her forever! Thank you Judith for your encouragement.

  5. Dear Polly,i love your african watercolours,they are very stunning!!
      I just received the book "African Watercolours" in my mailbox ... A wonderful book that I'm happy to have in my library. Gorgeous watercolours and great humanity, in the text. Hazel is a very special person!

    1. I hope you like the book as much as I do. Her words are as lovely as her paintings. She is a special person too. So encouraging and inspirational.

  6. Oui, tu es vraiment chanceuse de pouvoir peindre avec cette grande artiste qu'est Hazel Soan. J'aime beaucoup son travail, ses animaux et ses paysages d’Afrique sont superbes. J'aime beaucoup ton zèbre, je pense que je vais essayer de le faire moi aussi. Merci pour ce très beau post.

    1. Merci Christine. Hazel est une professeur extraordinaire. Bon chance avec la zebre!

  7. Gracias Ina. thank you for your comments.

  8. What beautiful watercolours, Polly, I love them all! I think I can just picture where you had your workshop, as I visited Hazel's studio about a year ago on Wimbledon. Her paintings are a joy to see "in the flesh", and as you say, she is a really warmhearted person. Tonight's theme at the art club is "black and white", and your zebra has just given me an inspiration!

    1. Oh good luck with the Zebra! And thank you. Hazel's studio is a feast for the eyes, everyone a masterpiece!

  9. Yes, Polly, you are extremely lucky! This is a great opportunity. I love Hazel Soan's style and admire her paintings. Your paintings are wonderful!

  10. These are super!!! Great that you did them without sketching them...but you actually sketched with paint.

    1. Just the Ostriches and Giraffe without drawing! But as Hazel said in the bush you would have to paint quickly and using only the brush if the fastest way.

  11. What a fabulous workshop! Great work, Polly!

  12. Watching Hazel paint live is mesmerising so doing a course with her I know is extra special. Glad you enjoyed it so much. Your paintings are gorgeous.

    1. Thank you very much Laura. I was pleased with the outcome, possibly my best workshop ever. But the paintings aren't really mine they are copies of Hazel's I was just able to execute them better than usual. :)

  13. bonne continuation dans ce style Polly.ce genre d'atelier nous remotive toujours surtout quand l'artiste est si genereux

  14. You did some fabulous paintings Polly , great movement overall and super colors !

  15. Fantastic work Polly! I can see it was a totally positive experience for you. I did this course with Hazel many years ago at West Norfolk Arts and still have my paintings to treasure.

    Hazel has the knack of making everything so inspiring and yet making the task achievable and fun. I'm a huge fan too! Thank you for sharing this.


    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment. It's nice to hear that you still have your work too. Yes, it was a particularly good workshop from my point of view. I am a Hazel groupie, as I am off on a course with her on Saturday. I hope my brush behaves as well as it did last weekend

  16. Un trabajo excelente, Polly
    Tienen mucho movimiento y color... el massai me encanta...

  17. Hi Polly:) I first wanted to not comment because I'm so late, but when I read your story and saw the sketches I was totally amazed. Incredible what a nice results and I mean really! I can't even say which I find the most beautiful because I find them all beautiful. And handsome, without providing for the signs. Thick compliments and a hug:) xx

  18. ohhhh lucky you to have these workshops with Hazel....I have all her books and am a big fan toooooo. Love what you did here!
