Thursday, 22 August 2013


Here's the next batch of red challenges that I received, when I was pondering what to paint with my new Daniel Smith Pyrrol Red. I call it my bright red period, as the colour is a really hot red. Semi opaque and very like Cad Red really.  The subjects that people came up with were a real challenge as you will see.  So here are the next few for your perusal and cogitation.
 Red knickers challenged by Beverley Wells (who did a super pair if you check the next but one blog to this)
 Red Poppy also by Beverley Wells, and Carol Hodge.  I think this is the best flower painting I have ever done.  I surprised myself with this one and actually enjoyed painting it too.
 Slightly muted red post box from Carol Hodge.  This is from a photograph of mine from the Lake District.

Red Rose, not my favourite, didn't like painting this at all but here it is for you to see.  Challenge by Ngaire Magalotti from Australia, who thought that the roses in my garden would be lovely to paint at this time of year.

One more batch to bore you with later.

Have I finished my red period you may hopefully ask? Well maybe .......

No comments required, I am just sharing my challenges with you.

Have a red hot weekend everyone.


  1. Think the poppy is my favourite Polly.

    But, seeing those lovely knickers made me think of Annie, what is she up to these days??

    1. Funny you should mention Annie. She has recently recieved a love letter and is getting ready for her first date. I will sneak and take a pic of her with her beau and post it shortly. EEe By gum I will! Glad you like the knickers and poppy

  2. Polly - The red knickers are delightful and the poppy is them all but those knickers made me smile! Think that pyrrol red is a gorgeous color! Happy painting.

    1. Thanks Debbie. Isn't it lovely to be able to paint in red. A colour we use very little of normally.

  3. My favourite are the knickers! I love the colour red, looks a lot like the colour vermillion I use.

    1. I haven't got vermillion but if it is a hot warm red then it probably is. Daniel Smith has his own names. Oh knickers!

  4. The poppy is wonderful, you are right to be proud of it!

  5. You're not boring us by any means. I love that poppy!!!!!

  6. Had to comment on your Poppy it is superb!

    1. Thanks Lorraine. Sad cos I might never do anything that good again. But fingers crossed

  7. Du rouge, encore du rouge, toujours du rouge. Du rouge flamboyant, chaud et vivant. Une bien jolie étude de cette couleur que je trouve si difficile à manipuler.

    1. J'aurai plus de rouge and puis rien! J'avais beaucoup d'amusement!

  8. I Like very much your artwork! I love the top one, so original!! :) Cheers!

  9. Hello Molly:) why no comments. These are lovely paintings. Especially the first two are great!
    The knickers look familiair:) The poppy is one of the best ever seen! Take care! Xx

    1. I can't believe that I painted that poppy! Yep the nickers look familiar to me, as they look very like mine!!!! lol xx

  10. Eh...... Polly of course hihi xx
