Friday, 2 August 2013


Here's another from my 'something from every room in the house' challenge to myself.

Now we are upstairs and in the main bedroom.  I love to smell nice but I don't like heavy perfume.  My favourite perfume is this one and it is called 'Pixie Dust' I kid you not.  It's a Disney perfume.  Light and magical, you never know what I may do when I am wearing this ............. and like tinkerbell I can be a little mischievious, so be careful around me! I may make you use blue instead of green, or dry your washes too quickly, put a stroke in the wrong place, or make you have paint on your hands etc., ..........  So when things go wrong you can blame me .............



  1. Made me think I must be using Pixie Dust to paint with sometimes Polly LOL, nice little bottle, clever with the writing too

    1. Now you have the answer! Thanks and have a lovely weekend

  2. Hi Polly, Simply wonderful and you may have a story.

  3. Wonderful bottle...I love the shading on it. A little pixie dust goes a long way!

  4. Magnifique effet de transparence.
    Félicitations, Polly.
    Bon week-end.

    1. Merci, Olivier. J'espere que vous avez un bon week'end aussi!

  5. I like scents that do not smell too ... plus now already I live without perfume, I'm a feast for the mosquitoes of these lands. I can not imagine if instead of Autan I used the perfume that I prefer.
    Your interpretation of the perfume is a beautiful watercolor ! How superb effects on you ... always full of humor and wisdom!

    1. We are not bothered with mosquito's but if I go where they are I never wear perfume, or dark colours, I must taste delicious. Thank you for your comments Rita.

  6. I love the transparency and the different blues in this watercolour!

  7. I know what you mean about wanting to avoid heavy takes over! Pixie Dust--what a cute name...and a lovely painting!

  8. Very nice transparency effect.
    I love the little perfume bottles and have many upstairs, nevertheless I bear rarely a perfume. I think the perfume must agree to the mood and the season. Complicated girl!

    1. Lydie, thank you for your comments. Merci beaucoup!

  9. Polly - beautiful colors and I love the name of that nickname at work happens to be Pixie - So from one Tinkerbell to another have a beautiful day creating. Thanks to for your wonderful visit. Hope you had a lovely Sunday as well.

    1. I enjoy showing you round my home. Thank you for visiting. Nearly finished now. When I went to Disneyworld a questionnaire said I was likened Tinkerbell! How astute.

  10. I love your fresh colors! So, you must be a fairy...

    1. Thanks Blaga. I would love to be a mischievous fairy!

  11. Hello Polly:) NOOO I don't want to know what you do when you use this parfume, thank you!:):) More seriously: It is a lovely little bottle Polly. The colors are so nice and refreshing.
    If I have a less good mood the smell of a delicious perfume can made me feel better again. Really! In any case a nice topic. Maybe we can all once paint our own favorite bottle. Would be nice!!xx

  12. Oh Renate, we should all use this perfume and then we could have some fun together! I also have a perfume that has chocolate in it! I feel undressed without perfume. Would be fun to see other people paint their favourite perfume. xx

  13. beautiful, Polly, such delicate, pure washes!
