Sunday, 11 August 2013


Got this new colour, you see, Pyrrol Scarlet (Daniel Smith). On my facebook page I just happened to say, - now what shall I paint.  Well I got loads of suggestions, so silly me went ahead and painted them all, with a couple of my own ideas thrown in.  And then, what do you know, people starting joining in. So here are their paintings and will post some of mine later.  Wasn't that brilliant of them. You will be surprised at the different subjects.  Everyone is a winner.  Are you ready, then off we go ......................
Ngaire Magalotti

Ruth S Harris

Stephanie Guy

Beverley Wells

Ann Mortimer  (yes the Ann Mortimer!)

Sharon Whitley

Judith Farnworth

Sharon Whitley

Stephanie Guy
I think that is them all. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone.  They are all on facebook but some have blogs and and I have linked them up for if you would like to see more of their work.

Well what a wonderful array of masterpieces and thank you all for joining in.


  1. haha how nice of you to share everyone's paintings - so what colour will you be asking us to paint in next I wonder!

    1. I couldn't resist sharing, I enjoyed people joining in. Now I know how you feel! No more colours in mind, no new juicy colours, but you never know?

  2. Isn´t it wonderful with facebook and blogging! All that joyful conection to other people with the same interrest! Love your post!

    1. It is so lovely to see you back in blogland. Facebook and blogging is hard to explain to someone else, who doesn't understand, how it's a lovely friendly place to be.

  3. I don't 'do' Facebook but enjoyed looking at all the contributions here.

    Lots of family commitments just now mean I haven't had a chance to pick up a pencil for a couple of weeks and I'm getting severe withdrawal symptoms ... My first free day is Friday so plan to spend all day at the drawing board :-)

    1. Hope all is well for you. Sometimes it is good to have a break and you will enjoy drawing even more, I hope so. I will be posting all my red paintings later. It was lovely painting in luscious red!

  4. how cool that you inspired so many people in this way! Love them all :)

    1. Thanks. It was as much fun seeing their work as painting my own.

  5. How fun that so many people joined in!!!

  6. Dear Polly - so very nice of you to show everyone's work...can't wait to see yours too. So what color will it be next!! Have a beautiful day.

    1. No plans so far for another colour! But how lovely to paint in juicy red!
