Saturday, 20 July 2013


I've heard many artists mention Stillman & Birn sketchbooks that I just had to have one as of now!!!  But there are so many to choose from. Got mine from Jacksons Mail Order in the UK, though they are not in their catalogue. I got my beautiful spiral bound Zeta Smooth paper book. So hot here (a British heatwave) that I decided to walk into town and sketch early morning.

 First project was to use my Stabilo 88 water soluble pens black and brown.

(Southport has a lovely wide tree lined main street and they are building a Travelodge at one end.  It used to be an old Station, then the Ribble bus Station now Morrisions at the back.  They were taking down the scaffolding).  The paper reacted really well to the Stabilo and and I got some nice shadows using my water brush. The pen felt smooth against the lovely smooth paper. Was happy with experiment 1.

Second project was to use my Elegant Writer water soluble pen black. The ink spreads far more with this pen than the Stabilo.
I am particulary fond of this pen when I want to work really quickly.  Quick pen lines and a gentle touch with the water brush pen is all you need.  This sketch was a 'whoosh' sketch whilst waiting for the bus (not much more than 5 mins and a touch here and there on the bus (which wouldn't keep still) !  This process was perfect, the reaction of the ink and the brush pen, just what I wanted. Was happy with experiment 2.

Following day (actually this morning) there were some lovely clouds making the temperature a little more pleasant for my 45 min walk into town. Sat down at 8.45 am raring to go. Set out my mini watercolour travel set with my plastic double dipper (used for oils) as my water containers, that I can clip onto my paper, if required.

Third project was to use watercolour and pen.

Lord Street again with it's lovely glass verandahs and this is Costa Coffee. Did quick pencil sketch then put on the watercolour.  Here I came unstuck.  Even though it was hot the watercolour stayed on the surface of the silky smooth paper and wouldn't dry. It was in globules.  I did manage to mix colours on the paper, but my patience was tested even more when I tried to do the peoples clothes, the fine detail just were blobs. Consequently took me longer than if I had used watercolour paper.  Eventually, I added some waterproof ink marks. Good news is it didn't cockle.

Results mean that I will be restricted to my water soluble pens, otherwise the book might be flung to the far corners of the earth! Perhaps I should have ordered the Beta series.  Could anyone give me their opinion on what I thought was the ultimate sketchbook.


  1. I just can't get on with any smooth paper for watercolour but usually because it dries too quickly not too slowly!! All your sketches are delightful Polly, I specially like the second one, with the Elegant Writer.. looks really good and I think should be framed as it is....

    1. You are kind Judith. Thank you. People online seem to get quite good results, though I have never liked watercolour on cartridge paper, was expecting too much. Glad I came across the Elegant Writer and it looks like that will be what a choose to use on this paper. Hope your workshop went brilliantly.

  2. I like your sketches, especially the ink ones.

    Sorry you were disappointed with the Stillman & Birn book.I have tried the Alpha Series and the Beta Series, but not the Zeta. The Beta has extra heavy paper which I think I like a little better than the Alpha which is lighter paper. The Beta is the closest to being like wc paper. I do think the paint sits on the surface more than regular wc paper on both, so you are right in that respect. The paper must have a different kind of sizing on it. I find it is often difficult to layer color without it disturbing the color underneath it because the paint sits on the surface. I haven't had a problem with the paint not drying. I guess the point to remember is that they are "sketchbooks" and won't work the same as watercolor paper. By now I've used it enough that I have adapted to it and don't expect it to do what it can't do. It does take ink so well! I still usually go out with my regular pieces of wc paper when I know I will be doing something that needs it.

    1. Thanks Joan. It appears, perhaps, that I shouldn't have gone with the smooth surface. I didn't expect it to be like watercolour paper but probably better than cartridge paper. I am very happy with the results of the pen though and in future if I need colour will take a w/c book along.

  3. We're sorry that you had an unsatisfactory experience with your Zeta Series sketchbook. We haven't heard of similar reports before so is it possible that the hot (humid?) weather conditions you report could have had an effect? To answer your question about the difference between Beta and Zeta, Beta is a 270 gsm cold press surface, whereas Zeta is also 270 gsm but more of a hot press surface. As the fibers in a hot press paper are calendered, Zeta can be less absorbent then the cold press Beta equivalent. Please do feel free to write to us directly at

    1. It is amazing that Stillman and Birn picked up my little blog and I so appreciate their very prompt comments, for which I thank them. I think I just chose the wrong paper and because I like it so much for the ink, when this book is full I will certainly try the Beta, which sounds more suitable. I will certainly write to them and thank them for contacting me. How many companies would do that, I ask you? Thanks Stillman & Birn.

  4. These are lovely sketches, Polly; like Judith, my favourite is the second one and am impressed how quickly you managed to give such a lovely impression of this scene! Also, how amazing that Stillman and Birn picked up on your blog post!

    1. Thank you Elizabeth. I dithered, shall I shan't I try. just got on the bus with all my gear in hand, lucky I saw it coming. And isn't it odd how they picked it up, I am going to ask how this happened.

  5. i tried to leave a comment earlier and twice it disappeared into the void! so if you have 3 replies please ignore.

    I haven't ever had this problem with the Zeta at all, it took watercolour well, though to build glazes required a defter touch than with the other papers.

    I wonder if you had previously used hand cream? I have had this problem on many papers, with slight traces of grease working as a resist. It's been a happy accident for texture on frequent occasions!

    I think you would like the Beta - a lot. I used my second A4 Beta hardback on a recent holiday to Cornwall, with a wide range of media - watercolour, pen and wash, pencil. oil paint, oil pastel etc and it behaved beautifully with all. If you are interested you can see the work and write ups on my blog

    Maybe worth trying some washes on a new clean page with newly washed hands with no cream on?

    They are indeed a very good company with good ethics and quality products.

    1. Didn't get 3 comments off you. This is an interesting post, so thank you. Will try again. I didn't have handcream on BUT I was very hot so it could be sweat that caused the problem. That is something I hadn't considered. I will definitely try the Beta next time as it sounds more suitable and versatile from what you say, than the one I have. Thank you very much for taking the time to pass on your thoughts. I will look at your blog. I am going to ask Stillman & Birn how they got my information, but will also thank them for contacting me. They indeed seem a good company to deal with.

  6. Interesting post Polly and your sketches are great. I like the effect of the elegant writer pen, I'll check them out and I'm impressed with Stillman & Birn getting in touch with you, there is a kind of alert system on google that tells you when anyone is talking about you. In fact they're probably watching us now :-0
    (Moleskine w/c sketchbooks are my favourites)

    1. It's a bit creepy if you ask me, the way we are spied on!!! Never come across Moleskine w/c sketchbooks, wonder if they are on sale in uk, must check that out. Thanks for your Sunday visit. Have a lovely week.

    2. Moleskine watercolour notebooks are widely available in the UK - look for the pink paper band - they are landscape in format, not portrait as are the sketchbooks.

      If you run a business, you can set-up a Google Alert for a specific term which notifies you when that search term is entered. So, I presume Stillman & Birn are using this to monitor feedback of their product. It can be a great way to provide good customer service...

      Love your sketches Polly, my stepdaughter lives in Liverpool, so maybe we could meet up for a sketch next time I am visiting her :)

  7. Stillman & Birn are very, very interested in the opinions of their customers. They probably have a way of being notified when their books are mentioned on the internet. I think a lot of companies have that. I know S&B sent out a lot of books to artists to try and always took our comments seriously. They have done additional books to satisfy some of the requests.

    Cathy says she likes Moleskine books. I've used them but I find that the Stillman & Birn books take ink much better than the Moleskine watercolor journals that I've used.

    1. Thank you for your comments on Stillman & Birn. I have contact them by email and already have had a reply. How prompt is that! I am very impressed with the company, I must say. They have explained how they trace opinions on line. My comments were just my first thoughts on the first time I used watercolour, and I will try again. But I am quite happy just to use the water soluble pens, the lovely paper is superb for that.

  8. fun post---I love all three 'experiments'. I love the moleskine sketchbooks--I do have a watercolor version of one--but I've been afraid to use it! I will have to bite the bullet and paint something (in watercolor) in it one day. Despite your problems (globs?) your painting looks great to me!

    1. Thanks Celeste. I had fun trying out different things and who am I to get such a reaction from the company! Only being a little old hobby artist! Don't leave your book in the drawer otherwise you are wasting your money! Have fun trying it out, that would be priceless. Have a lovely week.

  9. I love the experimentals - and the first two look so at home on that paper. The watercolour is still fab, but reading I can see you're not happy with how it reacted.For me though, they all are great!

    1. You're very kind, Pat. Sometimes things don't feel right, but I will try again.

  10. Hello Polly:) You are such a great sketcher! I prefer the first one. You would never think brown and black are a good combination but they really are! Wonderful Polly!xx

    1. Renate, you are so good keep visiting me. I have decided to draw more, so a try and take a sketch book with me when I remember. Thanks you. Have a wonderful weekend xx

  11. Love these paintings! You work beautifully in ink and wash and watercolor.
