Sunday, 9 June 2013


We holidayed for a few days in Surrey and visited Hampton Court, famous for chimneys and Henry VIII.   We met King Henry HONEST! (Searching for Anne Boleyn) and Anne Boleyn (Running from Henry, wonder what she had done wrong, watch out for your head girl).  She said she hated her sister Mary (nope she was ye olde mistress afore yon Anne) and she said she loved her brother very much (yep later accused of ye olde incest) What a rip roaring Palace. Thinking of bodies entwining leads me to a life drawing class (how subtle was that).  We went on to visit friends in the New Forest, where Mike asked if I could attend his life drawing class.  It is yonks since I did a life drawing, never in a large regular class, so was nervous and felt out of my depth.  There was so much brilliant talent and an interesting mixture of media used.  First we did very quick sketches 2 - 3 minutes and ending with a 30 minutes or so one.  Interestingly,  part way through the teacher brought part of a skeleton and pointed out the spine in relation to the pelvis etc.  The model was petite and very good, though she had very pert false boobs and I tried not to make them too obvious.  Here are my efforts, and for once I was quite pleased with my attempts.  That shocked you didn't it? Here are most of them ............................

2 min sketches - one crossed out nbg. She looks very tall!!!!

Still looking 6ft though more like 5ft

Did the skeleton first quick,  then added the model

Can see now that her bum is not right, but then whose is????????? This was the final long sketch. By now I was bodied out.


  1. Fantastic sketches Polly, well done. The skeleton was a genius idea - definitely food for thought there.

    1. Why are you going to buy one just in case. ha ha

  2. You did well and you certainly have a way with titles!

    1. Thanks. You wouldn't believe the talent. I would have loved to photograph some of their work, but didn't like to ask.

  3. I could never imagine doing a life drawing class but you have handled it well

    1. Worth a try just once. There were loads there, so I could hide away. Only two used watercolours, most used charcoal. I borrowed some. Wouldn't like to do it all the time though.

  4. I am impressed that you just picked up and did these drawings. They are wonderful.

    1. Do you know something? I actually impressed myself!

  5. The life drawings are great and good that the teacher asked you to do the really quick sketches... really help to loosen up and get a feel for the model without getting bogged down. You have done so well with them all Polly... maybe a new career beckons!!

    1. Thank you Judith, but I would get bored very quickly. Great fun for a one off though

  6. Nice life drawings! It is great that you got the opportunity to get to the class.

    1. Yes, it was a wonderful opportunity and I told them so and thanked them.

  7. Wonderful sketches, Polly--they are full of energy.
    ... And a most intriguing blog post title too!

    1. Well thank you Laura. And glad you like the title.

  8. Hello Polly:) What a lovely post and I think you did a great job on these sketches!! It sounds strange but I like the skeleton too! :) I think boobs are difficult to paint/draw but you did great! Go on with it:)

    1. Thank you Renate, glad you enjoyed my post. I drew the skeleton twice actually. The second time he was sitting up. A bit spooky really. It is amazing how the spine bends.

  9. Great work, Polly--I am proud of you! Maybe you'll do more of this in the future. I never quite understand why people find life drawing "odd". It's that we can learn about shapes and values. Good going!

    1. I won't get the opportunity as there are no life drawing classes where I live. I found it very intense but enjoyable.

  10. Polly - your life drawings are great and your post makes me smile. Love the last thought on the bum - I know mine is not perfect (LOL) - have a great day.

    1. Thanks for the comments. It's lovely that I made you smile. And I did meet Henry VIII etc (actors). Sorry to hear about your bum!!!! :)

  11. How come you got to meet King Henry and I didn't when we went round a few years ago? Does that mean he's not in for riffraff. Don't bother answering that one... lol The sketches are really fab especially as you think they are not your comfort zone. Not mine either but it is amazing what you can do when you have to.

    1. Henry was down the corridor, looking rather distinguished and large. Anne Boleyn was hiding from Henry talking to some children. She was lovely with them. Was pleased with the sketches, but couldn't do it on a regular basis, would get bored. Good challenge though.

  12. Hi, Polly, I admire your humour and like your drawings. (I do life drawing every Monday evening. No teacher.) I love it. For me, life drawing excites me most and never gets me bored. Have fun.
    Best wishes, Sadami
