Monday, 1 April 2013


Well, I have done every one of the challenges and what fun I have had.  Spending time deciding how to do each challenge took nearly as long as the painting of them.  They were all so very different. I did stick to watercolours though. On recollection perhaps I should have dug out my hardly used oils or pastels.  

Challenge 5 -  was suggested by Martine Weare on facebook.  Spring colours.  Thought I'd try flowers, as this really is a challenge for me. It reminded me why I don't like doing flowers.  They have been reworked, gone muddy, been washed out, salt added just because I could, rubbed out with my new magic eraser etc. etc. I was so frustrated I can't tell you, but I sort of got there in the end.  

Challenge 6 -  Was silly half hour.  Lyndi Lou Lou on facebook suggested Yupo paper and a self portrait.  As you can see my original photograph had been airbrushed, so I look really attractive.  Got the odd spot or two but that's the only blemish.  I found you can't go back into Yupo with more paint without disturbing what is already on this plastic surface.

Challenge 7 - Mike suggested that I sit and paint what I see out of the window. So that is what I did. Didn't spend ages on this as the sun was in and out so wanted to get some shadows.

And there endeth my Easter Marathon.  I enjoyed it that much that if the same situation arises next Easter I will do it all again. With a little help from my friends.

Thanks to those who took part. You have made my Easter Bank Holiday very, very enjoyable and I have painted things I would never have thought of myself.


  1. I love the spring blossoms! Beautiful background, creating movement and the flowers are so delicate and lovely!

    1. You should see it close up, you wouldnt say that then. Thank you though for those encouraging words

  2. Dear Polly my friend; your flowers are absolutely gorgeously painted. That´s a fact, even if you complained about how you got there! Congratulations!

    1. Oh thank you, you make me feel so much better. May not throw it away now.

  3. You really ran with the idea of the challenges. Super!!! I love this one of the flowers. You may thing you overworked it but it is really nice. I like the light in this one of what you see out your window. You had a very busy Easter weekend!

    1. Well thank you so much! Yes, it was very busy but I loved it and may do it all again next Easter, with a little help from my friends!

  4. I think you did a great job on rescuing your floral and thank goodness you did. It is lovely, you have a standout bloom and the others are playing their understudy parts. Again I applaud you for sticking to your challenge all Easter and tackling outside your norm which we all know we should do more often

    1. Thanks for that. I'm pleased for your comments especially as you paint some lovely flowers. Roll on next Easter all being well!

  5. Wonderful answers to your painting challenges. I especially like the flowers and the view from your window. I think your Yupo self portrait doesn't capture your beauty.

    1. It was nice of someone to throw in a fun painting. I enjoyed altering my face on my nexus tablet and then painting it. Thanks for your comments. People have said some lovely things.

  6. Polly the dreaded flowers turned out BEAUTIFUL ! So fresh and masterfully done and the muddy ( that's what you called it ) background really enhances them, perfect ! Your self portrait is fun and ironic :-) and the last one is another winner !

    1. Jane, thank you for taking the time to look and comment and for being so kind. I had a great few days. Especially thank you for the comment on the flowers!

  7. Hello Polly:) I can see you had some real fun with these paintings! The first one is beautiful! Almost abstract. Great job!

    1. Thanks Renate for looking at all my work and for your kind comments. Yes, I had a lot of fun. Like your new photo!
