Thursday, 28 March 2013


I couldn't resist trying this yupo paper after seeing it on blogs and  facebook.  The watercolour sort of swims over this plastic paper.  I am going to really experiment with it after the Easter Holidays.  First I have to meet the challenges set my my arty friends here in blogland and on facebook, as I have the weekend in the house, all to myself. These paintings or attempts at paintings  will be posted, with my thanks or not, depending on the results!!!! Ha, ha.

My first attempt on this weird plastic paper.  I used the watercolour with lots of water. and thicker for the lady and her pooch and took some trees out with kitchen roll.

I painted 3 red flowers then just wiped one out to leave a white flower.  Got in rather a mess trying this out hence  my  untidy painting area.

I found it like playtime at school! It would be great for children as one piece of paper could last forever, just wipe it off and start again.

(For a review of Yupo, and my thoughts on this fun paper,  please see my blog of 6th April 2013)


  1. Definitely looks like you are having fun Polly and such good results for your first experience with the slippery stuff!. Look forward to seeing more- I just love playing around with it!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, yes it is fast and loose. Lends itself to flowers I think, which I don't like painting really. But will see what my brain comes up with next time. Do have a lovely Easter xx

  3. A weekend to yourself? Bliss. Looks like you are in painting heaven. Love that you are trying something new and uncontrollable-looks great.

    1. It wouldn't suit a lot of people, but I never set out to paint a proper painting, it's all fun to me. Happy Easter xx

  4. For being first tries they are very good ! Have fun and enjoy freedom ! xx

  5. what a great challenge! these flowers are soooo beautiful!

    1. They look better on the screen that in real life. Well they have been wiped away actually. Thanks for calling by. Hope you're having a great Easter xx

  6. Hello Polly:) Ooooh I'm so late but I love your first attempts on the Yupo! I prefer the first one. So much drama in the colors. I love the shadows and the purple in the trees and the light in the back. Very nice! So brave of you:) And so well done!

    1. Thank you Renate. It's exciting to use. I have just made some notes for my Art Club and have done another painting on Yupo which is better. Will be posting it later. Hope you like the painting. I know you are a fan of Yupo too, perhaps you could give me some more hints when you have read the next post I do on Yupo. Thanks again.
