Saturday, 10 November 2012


Paintings for an exhibition at CHET which is Crosby Hall Education Trust, the profit from the sales go towards helping underprivileged children in the area.  You can have 10 pics, but I am opting for 5 (I never think I have anything decent, my art teacher Marion helps me find something).  This year they are all watercolours. 

Just got back from the glorious Lakes, remembered I had painted this previously of  Derwentwater, well it's going in the exhibition.

Was painted on the spot while on a course in Provence with Hazel Soan. See the man painting in the shade?  I can remember the heat, the gentle buzzing of the bees and all the butterflies.  Magical! The ultimate for an artist Painting in Provence!

I was inspired to do this when I saw the work of Viktoria Prischedko. It was such fun.  You can really see the negative shapes.

These two panoramas were inspired by Alvaro Castagnet after going on a course with him to Yorkshire. Top one is of Staithes. 
If you live in the Liverpool, Crosby area pop to see the exhibition, its in a lovely building, an old barn, most of the artists are professionals, what the hell am I doing there I ask myself, and there are stalls with jewellery, cards, crafts etc.  Its at Back Lane, Little Crosby (L23 4UA) between Fri 23 Nov and Sun 25 - 10 am to 5pm
If you go let me know what you think of the exhibition.


  1. Hi Polly I just found your blog via you popping into mine. What a lovely surprise to find my blog listed here. I've just read all your wonderful posts and seen your lovely work too. I'm about to add you to my blog roll as well. Hope to get to know you better via these blogs. Take care.

    1. Hi Laura, my first comment, how exciting. You've made my day. Sorry if you get this twice, having trouble with my cursor. Ta for your thoughts about my blog. Polly

  2. Hi Polly, just found your blog. Love your paintings for CHET, cant believe I missed it this year! Thought it was this week! I love to go for inspiration and to have their delicious stew!
    So very jealous of you going to a Hazel Soans AND an Alvaro workshop!
    love Pauline

    1. Hi, is this the famous Pauline from Churchtown. Welcome to my blog. CHET wasnt so good this year, I think the standard has dropped. Thats how I got in!!!!!!!!!!!!
