Friday, 30 November 2012


This painting has been taken to the four local exhibitions I enter each year.  It has run it's course and has been taken out of it's frame, to be tucked into one of the large boxes I have full of finished and 'in progress' paintings.  It was one of those paintings that I hardly remember doing, so to me I think was a success.  I now have 5 paintings framed and ready for next year.  I feel that I haven't painted so well this year, my inspiration has left me for most of the year.  My working area at home has been in dire need of  repair (lean-to come conservatory) has been so damp and smelley that I havent worked in there for 18months or so, so have only worked at my art class and club.  The conservatory is having to be rebuilt ££££ so I will get my studio back.  But will I get my inspiration back ............ I hope so.
I feel the sky is too pale and plain and I should have splattered more water.  Perhaps you have  an idea to improve it.
I really do appreciate anyone who has taken the time to look at my blog(s) it makes my day!!!
At the moment I am asking people to comment on Modern Art, ( it makes me feel grumpy), on my other blog, if you would like to leave a comment I would be chuffed.
dated 25 November 'Liverpool Art Exhibition'


  1. I think it's a gorgeous painting - how about you crop some of the sky out to make it a more rectangular painting and maybe you won't keep looking at the sky thinking it needs something as there won't be so much of it to bother you! Try it first by laying a smaller rectangular mount over it and see how it looks

  2. Hi Polly Good idea by Sharon but you may need to crop some of the edges off too for balance. Make the children an off centre feature rather than them getting lost in the space. Just an idea. As to inspiration, try something out of your comfort zone. That always inspires me as I need to use my brain and work that bit harder. The beauty of watercolour is that it is so portable and you can paint anywhere. Just sit in a comfy chair, with a piece of paper and a chair in front of you to hold your paints and just doodle. Take the pressure off. Having a designated area makes things a bit too formal for me. So I paint anywhere I feel like it and I keep things relaxed. Music helps too. Let us know how you get on.

    1. Thank you both for your comments. Will try cropping on photoshop and see what it looks like. I am a clumsy painter and the thought of doing watercolours in the house would be a worry, as I know from experience that you cannot wash out some watercolours. At the moment, at my club, I have started to do the odd caricature, which I am quite enjoying. So I am out of my comfort zone,but it isnt something I could do for long. We have a through room and my hubs loves his sport on tv so music is not an option. Perhaps I will just draw, I think I will take up your idea to doodle Laura. Thanks for trying to help. Will publish the cropped pic later.
