Friday, 19 September 2014


You may have heard of Port Sunlight Village.  Well there is a gallery there of some repute!  To top it all they have had free workshops there this summer.  I have just been to the latest.  They have just had an exhibition concerning Rossetti's Obsession: Images of Jane Morris (his muse).  Beautiful drawings there were too.  Mostly pastel.

Hence the pastel workshop of the Human Form.  

We covered classical Greek and Roman dimensions, stick men, cylindrical men, shaded figures and finally a pastel painting of the tutor.  All in 3 hours.

Here are some of the working papers.

This is my sketch of Chris, a friend who went with me. 10 mins sketch

I love this, it is my frriend Martine's, drawing of me.

The classical dimensions and basic shapes.

My pastel drawing of the tutor.  His legs are faded out and not 5ft long!!  20 min sketch

I learnt such a lot in 3 hrs.  Steve Hersey was a very good teacher, and I thank him.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.