Friday, 25 July 2014


I keep venturing back to paint in Brusho.  It's exciting and unpredictable, like watercolour, but even more so, and vibrant as well.

These were painted in the garden.  Brusho is a powder that you paint with. Sometimes you sprinkle direct on the paper and spray first, so in the garden you get fun things happening when it's a bit breezy.

If you would like to know more about Brusho I will put some links on at the end of the post.

Venice in Brush! Sprinkled on the paper and sprayed.  Each colour has other coloured crystals in it, so you can get varying effects.  I did not draw the buildings in the distance just drew the horizon and where I wanted the posts.  You lose the drawing somewhat anyway.

And, of course, being in the garden I had to paint the washing.  The washing is NOT as dirty as it looks, honest!!!

Have a wondrous weekend one and all.

Now for some links for you.  Firstly, if you are on facebook, check out Beautiful Brusho Moments.  Also Joanne Boone Thomas's facebook page,  who is the queen of Brusho.  She has done a DVD and ebook. It's magic! These can be bought from the SAA (Society for All Artists). or a you tube clip of her using brusho