Saturday, 11 May 2013


Meet a friend of mine.  Annie Arkwright from Accrington, in Lancashire. Those of you who followed my other blog pollyluvspainting will have already met her. I aplogise for the Lancashire dialect I have written in, to some of you it may seem like a foreign language.

Annie worked in t'local library. Unobtrusively working her socks off, till one day she came across 'Fifty Shades of Grey' and thought it were an art book on colour mixing, but it weren't it were about sinful sex!  It changed her life, eeh ecky thump by gum it did!  Prim Annie joined a dating agency and met many a twerp.  Now of an evening, she's gorra new job as a lucious life model at Accrington Community Centre.  All the folk think she's a reet grand model as she's a fine figure of a woman!  Who is that painting his heart out? All agog? Could it be Woody has found out who the woman walking through the woods is. Is he stalking Annie.  Woody Eckerslyke!

To read more about Annie and my other friends go to my other blog pollyluvspainting and click on the label 'friends of mine'.  You will meet Fag Ash Lil, Woody's brothers and cousin, Willie Eckerslyke, Kenny Eckerslyke and Diddy Eckerslyke and a few more.  They are quite a mixed bunch.