Tuesday, 26 February 2013


I saw on facebook someone using ox gall when for an effect when painting a beautiful red cardinal bird. So, what did I have to do, go and buy some!!!  Here are my exercises and comments, for anyone who hasn't come across it.  Don't ask me what it's made of I've no idea.

The above were dropped into mainly dry washes, staining colours and non staining.  I found different speeds and reactions with different colours.
Getting more adventurous here.  These were all wet washes.  The best reactions were the bottom two, where a softer line is shown using ox gall on a brush directly into the mixed colour wash, and the second a mixture of ox gall and water wash, where I put in lines of fairly neat paint or pen.

I painted this black bird then painted  neat ox gall on his back and head for highlights.  
This was playing with brush strokes into a wash of  water and ox gall.  All the lines are soft and haven't dispersed very much.

As far as I am concerned most of what I tried could be done with water.  Probably there is less risk of a run back. But sometimes I love those cauliflowers that you get.

 Conclusion: Possibly a waste of money.  Would be pleased if anyone has something more to add.